Show bulk price table inline on product page in BigCommerce
This tutorial shows you how to
transform the default bulk price popups on BigCommerce product details page to bulk pricing table. The new bulk pricing or bulk discount rates we will as a table inline your product description. The final result will look like below screenshot:
It also calculates
price per piece and percent of savings for you. Your customer will your discount and their benefits clearly. Improving user experience for your store.
Compare to the default bulk prici
5th Jul 2017
Use Foundation Accordion in BigCommerce Stencil Themes
BigCommerce themes built with stencil using foundation CSS framework. By default, accordion CSS & JS is not enabled. To use this feature in your custom themes or default theme Cornerstone, you will need a little tweak.
This tutorial will instruct you step by step how to integrate CSS accordion into your stencil theme.Step 1: Add Foundation Accordion Javascript into your theme
Edit file /assets/js/theme/global.js, add the code below:
import 'foundation-sites/js/foundation/f
1st Jul 2017
Fix BigCommerce printing invoice from user account has no style
Print invoice from admin dashboard:You will get a nicely invoice:However, if you your user prints invoice from their user account, the invoice is non-styled and unformatted.This bug seems to appear in all Stencil BigCommerce themes available on the market, include the default theme Cornerstone.We found a simple way to fix this issue in our BigCommerce themes. It also works for any Stencil themes as well.SolutionEdit template file /templates/pages/account/orders/invoice.html in Edit Theme Fi
30th Jun 2017
How to show different product image when hover product card on BigCommerce
This BigCommerce tutorial will help you customize your theme to show different product image when hover mouse on product card. It works on any product cards, products grid, listing or carousel. And works on any pages like homepage, category, new products, featured products or bestselling products as well.
You can see how it works as figure below:
Demo a live BigCommerce theme which implemented this feature here:
Now lets follow below instruction to help you integra
14th Apr 2017