
Pay by PO Guide

1. App Installation

  • Begin by installing the app. For a visual guide, refer to the screenshot below.


2. Selecting Your Store

  • If you manage multiple stores, ensure you choose the correct one.
  • Click the "Install the script on this site" button to embed the essential script into your selected store.


3. Enabling Offline Payment Methods

  • Access your BigCommerce admin panel.
  • Navigate to Settings > Payment Methods.
  • From the available offline payment methods, activate your preferred one. For instance, you can opt for "Money Order".


4. Creating a New Field for Purchase Order Number

  • Still in Settings, move to Account sign-up form > Address Fields tab.
  • Hit "Create a New Field" and select "Text Field" from the dropdown.


  • Fill in the Field Name as "Purchase Order Number" and save your changes.


5. Configuring the App

  • Return to the "Pay by PO" app.
    • Under "Offline Payment Method for Pay by PO", opt for the offline payment method you activated, e.g., "Money Order".


    • For "PO Number Field", select the "Purchase Order Number" field you recently crafted.


    • To finalize your settings, press the "Save" button.

6. Testing the Setup on Your Storefront

  • Navigate to the storefront of your store.
  • Add an item to your cart and proceed to the checkout.
  • Complete the customer details section and advance to the Payment stage.
  • Among the payment options, pick "Money Order". You should spot the Purchase Order Number field. Fill in any text and finalize your order by clicking "Place Order".


Note: The Purchase Order Number you input will reside in the custom fields of your order's checkout section, as shown below:



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