
BigCommerce Headless Solutions

Headless Solutions

for BigCommerce

Transform Your E-commerce Experience: Headless Store Solution for BigCommerce
Tailored for Small and Medium Businesses

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Unleash the Power of E-commerce for Your Small and Medium Business

Are you ready to transform your online store into a high-performing, lightning-fast, and user-friendly platform? Look no further! Our Headless Store Solution for BigCommerce is designed specifically for small and medium enterprises, offering you the ultimate e-commerce experience.

Unleash the Power of E-commerce for Your Small and Medium Business

Optimize Your SEO and Accessibility

Boost your visibility and reach more customers with our SEO-optimized solution. We ensure your store ranks higher on search engines, driving more organic traffic to your site. Plus, our accessibility features make sure everyone can enjoy your products and services effortlessly.

Optimize Your SEO and Accessibility

Cost-Effective and Competitive Pricing

Why pay more when you can get the best for less? Our headless store solution offers the most competitive pricing in the market, ensuring you get top-notch features without breaking the bank. Save money while enjoying the benefits of a premium platform.

Cost-Effective and Competitive Pricing

Try Us Free for One Month!

Still unsure? Give us a try with our 1-month free trial, packed with all features unlocked. See the difference our solution can make without any commitment. Experience the full power of our platform and watch your business thrive.

Try Us Free for One Month!

Speed and Performance Like Never Before

Experience unparalleled speed and optimization with our headless solution. Say goodbye to slow-loading pages and hello to instant gratification for your customers. Our platform is engineered to deliver the fastest performance, ensuring your customers stay engaged and satisfied.

Speed and Performance Like Never Before

Cutting-Edge UX/UI Design

We know that first impressions matter. That's why our solution focuses on providing an outstanding user experience with intuitive and attractive design. Make shopping a pleasure for your customers with a sleek, modern interface that’s easy to navigate.

Cutting-Edge UX/UI Design

Comprehensive All-In-One Service

Don’t worry about the technical details – we’ve got you covered. Our all-in-one service includes setup, data synchronization, and a ready-to-launch website. You can focus on your business while we handle the rest, no technical knowledge required.

Comprehensive All-In-One Service

Contact Us for a Free Consultation and Demo

Ready to take the next step? Contact us today for a free consultation and demo installation. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way. Let’s build the perfect online store together!

Development Status

Completed Features

  • Homepage:
    • Home Carousel
    • Featured / Bestselling / New Products Listing
    • Popular Brands
    • Newest Blog Posts
  • Category Page & Brand Page:
    • Display products listing
    • Sort & Load more products
    • Filtering products by sub-categories, brands, price range for Standard BC Edition
    • Support Faceted Filters for Pro / Enterprise Editions
  • Search Page:
    • Includes all features in category pages
    • Search products, web pages, and blog posts
  • Product Pages:
    • Image carousel
    • Support product options and variants: Rectangle, Radio, Swatch, Dropdown, Product Pick-List, Text, Multi-line Text, Number, Checkbox, Date
    • Price, Sale Price, MSRP Price, price changes following option price rules and product variants
    • Bulk pricing
    • Minimum & Maximum order quantity
    • Product description & warranty
    • Product custom fields, SKU, Availability
    • In stock / Out of stock / Non-purchasable messages
    • Product Reviews:
      • Customer reviews with pagination
      • Submitting Review Form
    • Product videos
    • Related Products
  • Account Pages:
    • Login, Register, Forget Password, Password Reset
    • Orders & Order Details Pages
    • Update Account Page
    • Manage Addresses, Add & Remove Addresss
    • Captcha supported
  • Cart Drawer:
    • Edit product options
    • Update product quantity
    • Remove product
    • Display price, tax, subtotal, discount, total
    • Add & remove coupon
  • Order Page:
    • Utilize Embedded Checkout, which fully support Optimized Checkout like Stencil-based themes
    • Order confirmation page
  • Accessibility score 90+/100
  • SEO score 90+/100
  • Static Web Pages
  • Contact Form Page
  • Blog & Blog Post Pages
  • Mega Menu
  • Newsletter Subscription
  • Multi-Currency
  • Microdata Snippet Schema for breadcrumb, product, blog post
  • Tracking scripts integration

In-Progress Features

  • Improve Page Speed scores
  • Website Sitemap & Google Sitemap
  • Microdata Snippet Schema for address & company details
  • Third-party scripts integration
  • Admin Section
  • Theme Settings
  • Multi-Languages & Translations
  • Widgets & Page Builder
  • Gift Certificates
  • Order Messaging
  • Stored Payment
  • Product Option File Upload

Did you know?

Free Trial for all our BigCommerce themes.

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All our BigCommerce themes are 100% compatible with the Standard, Pro, Enterpise edition. Built with Stencil / Cornerstone framework.